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Wonderful "year"! 2023 Ningbo Sports Spring Festival activities invite you to possess a healthy year

2023-09-08 09:09:15

Embrace the Asian Games and celebrate the Spring Festival. The launch ceremony of 2023 Ningbo Sports Spring Festival linkage has been successfully held in Ningbo Global Yintai City. The event was sponsored by Ningbo Sports Bureau, Ningbo Sports Federation, Ningbo Asian Games Office and Ningbo Yinzhou District People's Government. Zhu Huan, Vice Mayor of Ningbo People's Government. Zhang Ni, Director of Ningbo Sports Bureau and President of Ningbo Sports Federation, and Chen Qi, Deputy director of Ningbo Yinzhou District attended the launch ceremony. The principal persons in charge of sports departments of various districts (counties and cities), sports social organizations and related sports industry enterprises participated in the activities.

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Awarded the certificate to the second batch of Ningbo sports famous product cultivation units to encourage them to cultivate more Ningbo sports brands and further enhance the popularity and influence of Ningbo sports. Ningbo Snow Eagle Sports Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. is very honored to become a famous sports product training unit in Ningbo. As a famous sports product training unit, it will add vitality to building a new era of sports Ningbo and healthy Ningbo.

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Love sports. Love Snow Eagle.



